Celebrating new signatories at the Global Biodiversity Festival

12 May 2021 – We will be celebrating new signatories to the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge on 21 May, the day before the International Day for Biological Diversity, during the Global Biodiversity Festival.

 Celebration at the Global Biodiversity Festival

This will be the third round of signatories to the Pledge, since its launch in September and a second round in December 2020. We will be celebrating the new signatories during the Global Biodiversity Festival, a 72-hour virtual festival featuring scientists, adventurers and conservationists from across the globe.

BBC presenter and National Geographic Explorer Paul Rose will be hosting the celebration. Philippe Zaouati, the CEO of Pledge signatory Mirova, will welcome the new signatories. Representatives of the new signatories will explain why biodiversity is important for the finance sector and why their organization has decided to join the Pledge. The 25-minute event will take place on Friday 21 May at 10am CEST.

SIGN UP for the Global Biodiversity Festival

 International Day for Biological Diversity

The celebration of new signatories will be held the day before the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) on 22 May. The United Nations has chosen this day to raise awareness and improve understanding of biodiversity issues. The theme for 2021 is “We’re part of the solution”. From nature-based solutions to climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back better.

The Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

A total of 37 signatory financial institutions from around the globe have now signed the Pledge and called upon world leaders to reverse nature loss this decade. On 21 May, more financial institutions will join us. The signatories commit to working together, engaging, assessing their own biodiversity impact, setting targets and reporting on biodiversity matters in relation to their own investment and financing activities by 2024 at the latest.

New signatories are very welcome to join

Financial institutions from any continent are warmly invited to join us. There will be a further round of new signatories in August or September as we approach the CBD COP15. Check this website for more information and to join the Pledge.
