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Our members are not only exchanging knowledge and working on collaborative action within the working groups, they also develop publications to build a common understanding of biodiversity-related strategies and practices within the financial sector.

You can find an overview of our publications below.

Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners

This framework helps asset owners and asset managers start setting targets on nature in alignment with the mission of the Global Biodiversity Framework to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. Last update July 2024

Aligning Financial Flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework: Translating Ambition into Implementation

Crafted in collaboration with leading financial institutions, this document outlines key actions governments can take to align financial flows with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Published in April 2024.

Unlocking the biodiversity-climate nexus

A guide for financial institutions on how to manage the biodiversity and climate nexus in their investments and lending. Published in October 2023.

Aligning financial flows with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

The high-level roadmap proposes recommendations for all actors within the financial landscape on integrating the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) within their policies and decision-making processes. Published in July 2023.

Annual Report 2022

The Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation has published its annual report for the year 2022, covering a flurry of activities by its members including as part of COP15. Published in July 2023.

Stepping up on Biodiversity

The technical report - Stepping up on Biodiversity: What the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework means for responsible investors - provides an overview of the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and how investors should implement them. It supports investors in managing associated risks and preparing for anticipated policy developments. Published in April 2023.

Briefing paper: Top 10 biodiversity-impact ranking of company industries

Four tool providers, led by the FfB Foundation in cooperation with the consultancy Globalbalance, collaborated to create a biodiversity footprint ranking of companies, industries and sectors. The ranking allows investors to identify the sectors with the highest impact on biodiversity and initiate engagement with these. Published in April 2023.

Act now! The why and how of biodiversity integration by financial institutions

This Guide provides financial institutions with practical guidance on how to integrate biodiversity into their financing activities and decision-making, including how to start measuring impact and setting targets. Published in December 2022.

Aligning financial flows with biodiversity goals and targets – Part 3

This position paper makes suggestions for the draft Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) in preparation of the 15th meeting of the UN Biodiversity Conference of the Parties (COP15). Published in December 2022.

Guide on engagement with companies

This Guide provides information and support for financial institutions on how to engage with companies on biodiversity topics. Published in April 2022. Collaborative Engagements Overview updated in December 2023.

Overview of initiatives for financial institutions

This Overview is meant to help financial institutions understand what initiatives are out there on biodiversity, and who is doing what. Updated in December 2023.

Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches (3rd edition)

The Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the nine tools for measuring biodiversity currently in use by financial institutions: ENCORE, IBAT, NBM, BFFI, BIAT, BIA-GBS, CBF, GBSFI, GID. Updated in February 2024.
