Working Groups
Members of the Foundation can become active in one, more, or all working groups and subgroups.
Each working group is connected to one of the five commitments of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge and convenes between 20-50 member financial institutions. In the working groups members can learn more about biodiversity from experts and share knowledge and best practices between peers.
We are currently hosting the following five working groups:
- Engagement with Companies
- Impact Assessment (incl. biodiversity measurement and data)
- Public Policy Advocacy
- Target Setting
- Positive Impact

Engagement with Companies
This working group is connected to the second Pledge commitment: engagement with companies. In this working group, members are sharing experiences and new developments and exploring biodiversity-related ESG engagement with companies.
We are seeking to not duplicate work already done by other engagement initiatives, but rather to build on them and identify collective biodiversity engagement opportunities.
To this end, we have made an inventory of ongoing collective engagement initiatives. Members use this information to set up new collective engagement initiatives and invite others to join their specific engagements with companies on biodiversity.
In 2024, the working group updated its guide on engagement with companies regarding biodiversity, including a translation of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) goals and targets into engagement questions. A subgroup also developed guidance for engagement with companies with detailed briefs on ten different sectors, only available for members.
Impact Assessment
This working group is connected to the third Pledge commitment: assessing impact. Working group members share case studies, developments on data and tools and best practices and lessons learned regarding different biodiversity measurement approaches.
In 2024, a subgroup developed the FfB Biodiversity Data Platform (version 1.0), designed to support financial institutions in selecting the right data provider and data points for specific biodiversity objectives.
To this end, we have made an inventory of ongoing collective engagement initiatives. Members use this information to set up new collective engagement initiatives and invite others to join their specific engagements with companies on biodiversity.
In 2023, subgroups updated two guidance documents, one on biodiversity measurements and the other on how to integrate biodiversity into financial decision-making.
Public Policy Advocacy
The Public Policy Advocacy working group is seeking to shape an ambitious and effective outcome of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP16 in 2024. The FfB Foundation is an official observer member of the CBD, which means that the working group can intervene during the meetings of the convention and suggest amendments to its protocols.
The working group follows the developments within global and regional biodiversity public policies and regulations and advocates for effective regulation and policies to support the ambitious implementation of the GBF. FfB Foundation facilitates collaborative engagements with governments with members.
To this end, we have made an inventory of ongoing collective engagement initiatives. Members use this information to set up new collective engagement initiatives and invite others to join their specific engagements with companies on biodiversity.
The working group contributed to the Global Biodiversity Framework negotiations before COP15 to make sure that strong language would be adopted on Goal D, targets 14 and 15.
Sonya Likhtman (Federated Hermes Limited) – Emine Isciel (Storebrand Asset Management)

For more information on our public policy position, please read the paper Aligning Financial flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework: Translating Ambition into Implementation or our activities at COP16.

Target Setting
This working group is connected to the fourth Pledge commitment: setting targets. In this working group, members are sharing experiences, new developments and exploring science-driven global goals, targets, and frameworks.
We partner with UNEP FI to align approaches and also with the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), participating in their finance working group.
The working group launched the second version of the Target Setting Framework on Nature for Asset Owners and Asset Managers in 2024. The framework can be used as guidance by members of the foundation to report on their commitments in 2025, based on 2024 data. A new update of the framework was launched in 2024.
Lucian Peppelenbos (Robeco) – Charlotte Apps (Fidelity International)

For guidance on setting nature targets, read the Executive Summary and the Full Guide – Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners.

Positive impact
The overall goal of this working group is to identify and promote solutions to mobilise financial resources toward the conservation, restoration & sustainable use of nature. It echoes Target 19 of the Global Biodiversity Framework, aiming to mobilise 200 bn $ USD per year, from all sources to implement biodiversity strategies and action plans. In 2025 and 2026, we are planning to develop a framework with our members and partners to guide financial institutions on how to invest in nature positive outcomes.