Updates measurement guide and initiatives overview

8 July 2021 – Two of our publications have been updated: the Finance for Biodiversity – Guide on measurement approaches and the Finance and Biodiversity – Overview of initiatives for financial institutions. Both were launched in April and now got their first quarterly update.

Guide on measurement approaches

The Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches for financial institutions was launched during a webinar in April 2021. The Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the six tools for measuring biodiversity currently in use by financial institutions: CBF, BFFI, STAR, GBSFI, BIA and ENCORE. This first quarterly update focused mainly on the maturity levels of the tools. The maturity levels show how often each tool has been applied by different financial institutions to organizational focus areas, business applications and asset categories. This Guide is made by the Finance and Biodiversity Community (F@B Community) and workstream Methods, both part of the EU Business@Biodiversity Platform, and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation.

Download the Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches

Overview of initiatives

The Overview of biodiversity-related initiatives for financial institutions is meant to help financial institutions understand what initiatives are out there, and who is doing what. It was launched in April by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, UNEP FI, the PRI, and the Finance@Biodiversity Community. In this first quarterly update, BIOFIN was added to the overview. BIOFIN, The Biodiversity Finance Initiative initiated by UNDP, supports 40 countries to develop and implement evidence-based Biodiversity Finance Plans and published, amongst others, the Little Book for Investing in nature. Other new developments include the official launch of TNFD, the natural capital hotspots of depletion maps by the PRI, and SBTN’s Corporate Engagement Program.

Download the Overview of initiatives for financial institutions

Quarterly updates

The biodiversity movement and understanding is developing rapidly, and so we will aim to update the overview of initiatives every quarter. The guide on measurement approaches as a whole will be updated annually, with quarterly updates of the maturity levels. Feedback and input to be included in the next updates of these documents can be sent to info@financeforbiodiversity.org.


Download the Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches

Download the Overview of initiatives for financial institutions
