Celebrating new signatories during the high-level opening event of Nature for Life Hub

We will be celebrating new signatories to the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge during the high-level opening event of the Nature for Life Hub, the side event of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday 22 September 2021 between 2-4 pm CEST.

You can sign up for this event via this link.

Celebration event

Saker Nusseibeh, the CEO of current Pledge signatory Federated Hermes International, will welcome the new signatories during this event of (non-)state actors which is co-organised by Antigua & Barbuda, AOSIS, Belgium, Bhutan, Colombia, Costa Rica, the EU, France, Gabon, UK, Vietnam, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), National Geographic & Campaign for Nature, UNEP, UNDP and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to showcase actions being taken to protect, conserve, sustainably use and restore nature and close the finance gap.

The Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

A total of 55 signatory financial institutions from around the globe have signed the Pledge so far and called upon world leaders to reverse nature loss this decade. On 22 September, more financial institutions will join us. The signatories commit to working together, engaging, assessing their own biodiversity impact, setting targets and reporting on biodiversity matters in relation to their own investment and financing activities by 2024 at the latest.

New signatories are very welcome to join

Financial institutions from any continent are warmly invited to join us. There will be a further round of new signatories in November. Check this website for more information and to join the Pledge.

Join us!