Finance for Biodiversity Foundation welcomes Diane Roissard as team member

We are happy to welcome a new team member to the secretariat of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. In this short interview, Diane Roissard, who is joining the team as Head of Engagement and Data, shares information about herself.


Discover her LinkedIn profile.


Where are you living?

Originally from the southeast of France and after 8 years spent in Paris, I am moving this year to Perth, Australia, to realize my childhood dream. I will work from there for the Foundation.

What is your academic background?

My background is in Maths/Computer Science and Finance: I have a Technical University Degree in Statistics and Business Intelligence and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and Programming that I have made at the Université Grenoble Alpes (in Grenoble, France) and a Master’s Degree in Financial Risks Engineering that I have completed in an actuarial school, l’Institut des Sciences Financières et d’Assurance (in Lyon, France).

Back in 2020, when I figured that I wanted to shift my profession towards ESG, I passed the CFA ESG; PRI Advanced Responsible Investment Analysis and Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting certifications to create a base knowledge around the topic.

Where were you working before you came here?

For the last 3 years and a half, I have been working as Biodiversity Lead for LBP AM, creating and implementing the biodiversity policy of the asset management company and contributing to the launch of a thematic fund.

I was in charge of the creation of the strategy and its implementation: the engagement with corporates and the subsequent bottom-up analysis, the incorporation of biodiversity in the decision processes through the creation of quantitative tools, the policy advocacy actions, and the representation of the asset manager in both internal and external instances.

I have always been extremely keen on corporate engagement because I felt like it was the most efficient action lever to drive change in the companies’ practices. Also, my background in data management and the challenges around the quantification of biodiversity have made this topic one of my favourites to work on as well.

 What makes you excited about working at the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation?

I found it extremely valuable to be a member of the Foundation in my previous position as it gathers willing and forward-looking people around a common objective: transform the financial sector and contribute to halting and reversing biodiversity loss. I am convinced that alone, we go faster, but together, we go further: the foundation is coordinating work that is at the forefront of the international agenda, closely interacting with other high-level global organisations and acting alongside all types of stakeholders to ensure that a real impact is achieved. I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to these meaningful projects and align my work with my values within a team of passionate, smart and dedicated persons.

Where does your interest in biodiversity come from?

I have always felt that nature brought us peace of mind and that our connection to it influences our general behaviour. Since I was a kid, I have always been fascinated by large, unaltered spaces and the species living in them. Water has always amazed me, whether it is a mountain lake, a river, or the ocean, and I can watch it for hours. I realised late that this captivation was way more than just aesthetic appreciation but a genuine interest in nature and societal considerations. Not only am I looking for answers on the hierarchy that has been instaured between humans and nature, but I also want to contribute to restoring this lost balance that is, in my opinion, one of the cornerstones needed to address all our current and upcoming challenges.

