Launch of the “Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners”

Save the date!

Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation launches a first version framework for asset managers and owners to start setting targets on nature during a webinar on November 30th between 16:00-17:00 CET.


  • Opening keynote by David Cooper (Executive Secretary of the CBD Secretariat)
  • The framework will be presented by the co-chairs of FfB’s Target Setting Working Group: Lucian Peppelenbos (Robeco) and Charlotte Apps (Fidelity International)
  • Closing remarks by Miriam van Gool (Finance Lead of SBTN)
  • Moderation by Anita de Horde (Executive Director of FfB Foundation)

Webinar Details:

  • Title: “Launch of  the “Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners”
  • Date: November 30, 2023
  • Time: 16:00 – 17:00 CET

Register Here


Developed in collaboration with FfB members, the “Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners” seeks to create a shared understanding and common language for investors on setting nature targets. It proposes specific targets and recommends implementation deadlines inspired by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.  

The framework marks a new milestone for the FfB Foundation, focusing on sharing knowledge and collaborating to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. Setting targets is one of the five commitments under the FfB Pledge.  

Invitation to all

We encourage all financial institutions, whether signatories to the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge or not, to use this guide and join the webinar!
