New FfB Pledge signatories at COP15

25 October 2022 – Join us for our next round of new Pledge signatories in December at COP15 in Montréal, Canada, and help lend force to the calls of Finance for Biodiversity for an ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework. This year is a key moment for global biodiversity when world leaders will gather to discuss measures to halt biodiversity loss. So we encourage you to get involved as a signatory and member of the FfB Foundation, and play an active part in the working groups and at COP15 this year.

The deadline for signing up is 30 November if you wish to be included in this announcement. If you are interested in joining our delegation in Canada as a new Pledge signatory, please contact us by 27 October.


‘Office hour’ for more information on joining the FfB Pledge & Foundation and COP15

On 26 October and 4 November, we are holding two online office hours for the representatives of financial institutions interested in learning more about the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge and Foundation.

Dates of the webinars:

  • Wednesday 26 October 3.00-3.30 PM CEST (focus on UN CBD COP15) – Register
  • Friday 4 November 10.00-10.30 AM CEST – Register


More information on COP15

The first part of the  Convention on Biodiversity Diversity (CBD COP15) took place on 11-15 October 2021 (partly online) and the second part will take place on 7-19 December 2022 in Montréal, Canada (in person). It will be a key moment for global biodiversity, as world leaders gather to discuss measures to halt biodiversity loss. The goal is to adopt a post-2020 ‘Global Biodiversity Framework’ that, like the Paris Climate Agreement, sets concrete goals and targets for the conservation of global biodiversity, as the current biodiversity targets (the Aichi targets), ended in 2020.


Why get involved as a financial institution?

COP15 presents an opportunity for transformative change in addressing the biodiversity crisis. The key action will be to establish an ambitious and transformational post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). To be successful, this must highlight the actions that need to be taken by all stakeholders involved, including the financial sector, in order to halt and reverse biodiversity loss in this decade as a matter of urgency.

Calling on governments to act on biodiversity is at the heart of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge. You can count on our motivation to generate positive impact, making the case for  the necessary enabling environment to create a nature-positive economy. We are determined to inspire you to join this movement in Canada, and to cover it in your communications and public messages.


How can you join the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge & Foundation?

The deadline for signing up for this round is 30 November. You are welcome to join for COP15 as well. If you wish to do so, please make sure we receive your registration by 28 October at the latest.

Please check out our information pack to learn more about the options and use our application form to opt in to the options of your choice. Feel free to e-mail us at if you have additional questions.

Join us!