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Target Setting

This working group is connected to the fourth Pledge commitment: setting targets.

In this working group, members are sharing experiences, new developments and exploring science-driven global goals, targets, and frameworks.

We partner with UNEP FI to align approaches and also with the Science Based Targets Network, participating in their finance working group.

The working group launched Target Setting Framework on Nature for Asset Owners and Asset Managers on November 2023. The framework can be used as guidance by members of the foundation to report on their commitments in 2025, based on 2024 data. A new update of the framework will be launched before the summer of 2024.

Under this working group we have two distinct subgroups:

  • Core coordination group
  • Target setting framework for investors
  • Next steps positive impact/ sovereign targets


Publication: For guidance on setting nature targets, read here the Executive Summary and download the Full Guide – Nature Target Setting Framework for Asset Managers and Asset Owners.



Lucian Peppelenbos

Climate and Biodiversity Strategist, Executive Director at Robeco

Charlotte Apps

Sustainable Investing (ESG) Analyst at Fidelity International 