The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation is a co-organiser of the ‘Finance and Biodiversity Day’ at UN CBD COP15

9 November – COP15 will include a dedicated full-day event on Finance and Biodiversity on 14 December, in MontrĂ©al, Canada. The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation is the co-organiser, together with the CBD secretariat and other partners. This will provide a unique opportunity for the global financial community to engage in discussions, share perspectives, and communicate on their actions, achievements and commitments related to the integration of biodiversity within financial decision-making.

The discussions and debates will explore the relevant linkages between the draft post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and the financial system and the economy, as well as a plan of action for supporting the implementation of the GBF. This will include particular focus on the enabling conditions, mechanisms, and opportunities for, the alignment of financial flows with the vision of the framework. This will be an opportunity for Negotiators at COP15 to interact with, and reflect upon on the roles and responsibilities of financial sector participants in implementing the GBF.

