The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation is welcoming Natacha Boric as a new Team member

We are happy to welcome a new team member to the secretariat of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. In this short interview, Natacha Boric shares her background and expectations.


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Finance for Biodiversity Foundation_Natacha Boric

Where are you living nowadays?

I grew up, studied and worked in Paris, but I will be working for the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation from Rijeka, in Croatia.

Where were you working before you came here?

For the past 4 years, I have been working at Finance for Tomorrow, the branch of Paris EUROPLACE which aims to make green and sustainable finance a key driving force in the development of the Paris Financial Center. As Head of Contents and Publications, I worked on a variety of key topics with our working groups, for example on the development of sustainable Fintechs, the transformation of finance education programs, the mobilisation of retail investors and, last but not least, doing my part to support the emergence of the “natural capital and biodiversity” French financial ecosystem. 

What did you find most interesting about your work at Finance for Tomorrow? 

On the one hand, it was extremely inspiring to cooperate with leading international institutions on the topic of sustainable finance. We participated in the “Sustainable Finance Roadmaps” of UNEP FI & PRI. We were part of the set-up, and first co-chairs, of the Network of Financial Centers for Sustainability (FC4S). I also had the opportunity to take part in the Informal Working Group for the launch of the TNFD. In terms of international cooperation, it was also very interesting to work with our counterparts from other financial centres.

On the other hand, I enjoyed to act locally. Our main goal was to strengthen a market, with the help of experts and pioneering professionals. I encountered amazing thinkers and doers in the French financial ecosystem, which nourrished my engagement and my will to constantly learn more about sustainability!

What do you expect the main differences to be between working for Finance for Tomorrow and working for the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation?

Well, I will now have to change my point of view to work in an entirely international environment! I am very eager to discover the great diversity of institutions that support the Foundation. Also, I am very happy to focus on the topic of biodiversity. I believe the loss of nature is the greatest issue of our time, in conjunction with the multiple aspects of the ecological crisis we are facing. 

What is your study background?

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences from Sciences Po Paris. The university exchange gave me the opportunity to study for one year in Lima, Peru, at La Pacifico business school. For my Master’s degree in Sciences Po Paris, I chose the Economics & Business program with a specialisation in Sustainability management. Finally, in 2020, I completed a two-months digital executive program on “Sustainable Finance”, by Cambridge University.

What makes you excited about working at the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation?

I am very excited to broaden my international scope of action and focus on Biodiversity issues. The international agenda is gaining momentum and the interest of financial institutions is constantly growing. There certainly is more understanding, good practises, and partnerships to build. I hope to reinforce this dynamic! This will be my aim as Communications and Community Coordinator for the Foundation.

For 2022, I hope the urgency of the threats facing nature will be heard and acted upon by all the concerned parties, in order for each of us as citizens to see positive changes in our daily life.

Where does your interest in biodiversity come from?

As for most people, it is the experience of nature that nurtures my interest: I am quite simply impressed by its beauty and mystery. Moreover, my family comes from an amazing region in Croatia, called Plitvice. This wild and beautifully preserved place inspires me greatly!
