Fourth update of our Overview of initiatives

The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation launches the fourth update of the Overview of initiatives for financial institutions on biodiversity. The timeframe of the initiative’s projects is now changed to the period 2022-2023. In this update, two new initiatives were added to the overview: the Ceres Land Use and Climate Working Group, and Capital for Climate.

Overview of initiatives

The Overview of initiatives for financial institutions is meant to help financial institutions find their way amongst the initiatives that work on the intersection between biodiversity and finance. It was launched in April 2021 by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, UNEP FI, the PRI, and the Finance@Biodiversity Community. In this fourth quarterly update, two new initiatives were added to the overview: Ceres Land Use and Climate Working Group, and Climate for Capital.

The overview now covers 19 finance and biodiversity initiatives in total. Other relevant updates include new activities on positive impact methodologies, by B4B+ Club and by the Consortium for Biodiversity Footprint. Furthermore, the update includes recent publications from FfB Foundation, F@B Community, UNEP FI and CISL.


Cover_Overview of initiatives - May 2022


Quarterly updates

As the biodiversity movement is developing rapidly, we aim to continue updating the Overview of initiatives every quarter. Feedback and input to be included in the next updates of these documents can be sent to

Download the Overview of initiatives for financial institutions
