Sign up for FfB Pledge Before International Day for Biological Diversity

The Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation will welcome new signatories to its Pledge next on the International Day for Biological Diversity, on 22 May. Financial institutions seeking to implement the Kunming-Montréal Agreement adopted at COP15 and reverse nature loss by 2030 have the opportunity to sign the FfB Pledge now!

It will allow financial institutions to spread their commitment to nature widely. Please register and contact us by 1st of May to sign up. 

Why get involved in the FfB Foundation as a financial institution?

With the adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework at COP15 in December 2022, it becomes clear that not only countries but also financial institutions have a responsibility to meet the overall goal of reversing nature loss by 2030. For more information, please refer to a recently published report here.

Together with 15 signatories and peers of the FfB Pledge, financial institutions can commit to protecting and restoring biodiversity through their finance activities and investments. As an FfB Pledge signatory, financial institutions can show that their organisation is acting to protect nature.

By joining our community of 75 members, financial institutions can access our working groups, disclose their biodiversity strategy, and support collaborative actions with their peers. 


How to join the FfB Pledge and Foundation?

The deadline for signing up for this signatory round is 1st of May.

Please learn more about the membership options we offer and use our application form to apply for membership. If you require more information before these dates, we would be happy to set up a meeting with you, in which we can also share information on our working groups and the upcoming activities of our members.
