Third update of our Measurement Guide and Overview of Initiatives

The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation launches the third update of the Guide on measurement approaches and the Overview of initiatives for financial institutions on biodiversity. In this third update of the measurement guide, we looked at the maturity of the tools and how often they are used by financial institutions. In the overview, we added the activities of two new initiatives: the WEF Biodiversity Finance Learning Coalition and the B4B+ Club.

The goal of these guides is to provide financial institutions with information on the kinds of biodiversity measurement tools that are available and in use by financial institutions, as well as on the activities of the different finance and biodiversity initiatives.

Measurement guide

The Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches was launched during a webinar in April 2021. It provides a comprehensive overview of the six tools for measuring biodiversity currently in use by financial institutions: CBF, BFFI, STAR, GBSFI, BIA and ENCORE. In this third quarterly update, the maturity levels of the tools were updated. The maturity levels show how often each tool has been applied by different financial institutions to organizational focus areas, business applications and asset categories. This Guide was made by the Finance and Biodiversity Community (F@B Community) and workstream Methods, both of which are part of the EU Business@Biodiversity Platform, and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation.


Overview of initiatives

The Overview of initiatives for financial institutions is meant to help financial institutions find their way amongst the initiatives that work on the intersection between biodiversity and finance. It was launched in April by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, UNEP FI, the PRI, and the Finance@Biodiversity Community. In this third quarterly update, two new initiatives were added to the overview: the WEF Biodiversity Finance Learning Coalition and the B4B+ Club. The overview now covers 17 initiatives in total. Other relevant updates include the publication of UNEP FI’s Recommended exclusions list for a sustainable blue economy and CISL’s Use cases from financial institutions on Assessing Nature-related Financial Risks and updates on realized and planned deliverables by TNFD, Align and others.


Quarterly updates

As the biodiversity movement is developing rapidly, we aim to continue updating the Overview of initiatives every quarter. The Guide on measurement approaches will be updated annually in April, with quarterly updates of the maturity levels. Feedback and input to be included in the next updates of these documents can be sent to


Download the Guide on biodiversity measurement approaches

Download the Overview of initiatives for financial institutions
